is a good backend for 3D Plotting.scatter(xs[1,:], xs[2,:], xs[3,:]; hover=all_words, zcolor=classes)
For the the example presented here, we will use a subset of some pretrained word2vec word embedding, using the Embeddings.jl package. These are 300 dimentional vectors, which encode syntactic and semantic information about words.
Example code for the loading, together with the words sorted into their original classes is below.
using Embeddings
countries = ["Afghanistan", "Algeria", "Angola", "Arabia", "Argentina", "Australia", "Bangladesh", "Brazil", "Britain", "Canada", "China", "Colombia", "Congo", "Egypt", "England", "Ethiopia", "France", "Germany", "Ghana", "India", "Indonesia", "Iran", "Iraq", "Ireland", "Italy", "Japan", "Kenya", "Korea", "Madagascar", "Malaysia", "Mexico", "Morocco", "Mozambique", "Myanmar", "Nepal", "Nigeria", "Pakistan", "Peru", "Philippines", "Poland", "Russia", "South", "Spain", "Sudan", "Tanzania", "Thailand", "Uganda", "Ukraine", "Usa", "Uzbekistan", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Wales", "Yemen"]
usa_cities = ["Albuquerque", "Atlanta", "Austin", "Baltimore", "Boston", "Charlotte", "Chicago", "Columbus", "Dallas", "Denver", "Detroit", "Francisco", "Fresno", "Houston", "Indianapolis", "Jacksonville", "Las", "Louisville", "Memphis", "Mesa", "Milwaukee", "Nashville", "Omaha", "Philadelphia", "Phoenix", "Portland", "Raleigh", "Sacramento", "San", "Seattle", "Tucson", "Vegas", "Washington"]
world_capitals = ["Accra", "Algiers", "Amman", "Ankara", "Antananarivo", "Athens", "Baghdad", "Baku", "Bangkok", "Beijing", "Beirut", "Berlin", "Bogotá", "Brasília", "Bucharest", "Budapest", "Cairo", "Caracas", "Damascus", "Dhaka", "Hanoi", "Havana", "Jakarta", "Kabul", "Kampala", "Khartoum", "Kinshasa", "Kyiv", "Lima", "London", "Luanda", "Madrid", "Manila", "Minsk", "Moscow", "Nairobi", "Paris", "Pretoria", "Pyongyang", "Quito", "Rabat", "Riyadh", "Rome", "Santiago", "Seoul", "Singapore", "Stockholm", "Taipei", "Tashkent", "Tehran", "Tokyo", "Vienna", "Warsaw", "Yaoundé"]
animals = ["alpaca","camel","cattle","dog","dove","duck","ferret","goldfish","goose","rat","llama","mouse","pigeon","yak"]
sports = ["archery","badminton","basketball","boxing","cycling","diving","equestrian","fencing","field","football","golf","gymnastics","handball","hockey","judo","kayak","pentathlon","polo","rowing","rugby","sailing","shooting","soccer","swimming","taekwondo","tennis","triathlon","volleyball","weightlifting","wrestling"]
words_by_class = [countries, usa_cities, world_capitals, animals, sports]
all_words = reduce(vcat, words_by_class)
embedding_table = load_embeddings(Word2Vec; keep_words = all_words)
@assert Set(all_words) == Set(embedding_table.vocab)
embeddings = embedding_table.embeddings
all_words = embedding_table.vocab
classes = map(all_words) do word
findfirst(col -> word ∈ col, [countries, usa_cities, world_capitals, animals, sports])
T-SNE is another popluar DR method.
Be warned: it is sideways -- it is row major, so tanspose the inputs and outputs
You may have to play with the perplexity to get it to work well.
If you look at the resulting plots, you may note that countries are often paired uo with their captical city.