using RDatasets
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
using Clustering
features = Array(iris[:,[1,3,4]])'
result = kmeans( features, 3 )
using Plots; gr()
scatter(features[1,:], features[2,:], features[3,:], color = result.assignments)
The main clustering package for julia, is unexpectedly, named Clustering.jl
You'll also want Distances.jl for all your distance metric needs. It is traditional with word2vec to use cosine distance.
If you set the availability right, it can get a breakdown where the ball-sports and clustered seperately from the other sports. Though you may have problems with some of the cities being classes as sports, as this word2vec repressentation was trained on a dump of wikipedia taken in 2014, and there are a lot of sports pages talking about the Athens and Beijing olypics.
For the the example presented here, we will use a subhset of Word Embedding, trained using Word2Vec.jl. These are 100 dimentional vectors, which encode syntactic and semantic information about words.
using Embeddings
countries = ["Afghanistan", "Algeria", "Angola", "Arabia", "Argentina", "Australia", "Bangladesh", "Brazil", "Britain", "Canada", "China", "Colombia", "Congo", "Egypt", "England", "Ethiopia", "France", "Germany", "Ghana", "India", "Indonesia", "Iran", "Iraq", "Ireland", "Italy", "Japan", "Kenya", "Korea", "Madagascar", "Malaysia", "Mexico", "Morocco", "Mozambique", "Myanmar", "Nepal", "Nigeria", "Pakistan", "Peru", "Philippines", "Poland", "Russia", "South", "Spain", "Sudan", "Tanzania", "Thailand", "Uganda", "Ukraine", "Usa", "Uzbekistan", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Wales", "Yemen"]
usa_cities = ["Albuquerque", "Atlanta", "Austin", "Baltimore", "Boston", "Charlotte", "Chicago", "Columbus", "Dallas", "Denver", "Detroit", "Francisco", "Fresno", "Houston", "Indianapolis", "Jacksonville", "Las", "Louisville", "Memphis", "Mesa", "Milwaukee", "Nashville", "Omaha", "Philadelphia", "Phoenix", "Portland", "Raleigh", "Sacramento", "San", "Seattle", "Tucson", "Vegas", "Washington"]
world_capitals = ["Accra", "Algiers", "Amman", "Ankara", "Antananarivo", "Athens", "Baghdad", "Baku", "Bangkok", "Beijing", "Beirut", "Berlin", "Bogotá", "Brasília", "Bucharest", "Budapest", "Cairo", "Caracas", "Damascus", "Dhaka", "Hanoi", "Havana", "Jakarta", "Kabul", "Kampala", "Khartoum", "Kinshasa", "Kyiv", "Lima", "London", "Luanda", "Madrid", "Manila", "Minsk", "Moscow", "Nairobi", "Paris", "Pretoria", "Pyongyang", "Quito", "Rabat", "Riyadh", "Rome", "Santiago", "Seoul", "Singapore", "Stockholm", "Taipei", "Tashkent", "Tehran", "Tokyo", "Vienna", "Warsaw", "Yaoundé"]
animals = ["alpaca","camel","cattle","dog","dove","duck","ferret","goldfish","goose","rat","llama","mouse","pigeon","yak"]
sports = ["archery","badminton","basketball","boxing","cycling","diving","equestrian","fencing","field","football","golf","gymnastics","handball","hockey","judo","kayak","pentathlon","polo","rowing","rugby","sailing","shooting","soccer","swimming","taekwondo","tennis","triathlon","volleyball","weightlifting","wrestling"]
words_by_class = [countries, usa_cities, world_capitals, animals, sports]
all_words = reduce(vcat, words_by_class)
embedding_table = load_embeddings(Word2Vec; keep_words = all_words)
@assert Set(all_words) == Set(embedding_table.vocab)
embeddings = embedding_table.embeddings
all_words = embedding_table.vocab
classes = map(all_words) do word
findfirst(col -> word ∈ col, [countries, usa_cities, world_capitals, animals, sports])
using Clustering
using Distances
using LinearAlgebra
similarity = 1f0 .- pairwise(CosineDist(), embeddings)
availability = 0.01*ones(size(similarity,1))
# tweaking availability is how you control number of clusters
# it is the diagonal of the similarity matrix
similarity[diagind(size(similarity)...)] = availability
aprop = affinityprop(similarity)
for (cluster_ii, examplar_ind) in enumerate(aprop.exemplars)
println("Exemplar: ", all_words[examplar_ind])
cluster_member_inds = findall(assignments(aprop).==cluster_ii)
println(join(getindex.([all_words], cluster_member_inds), ", "))